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Generator Stop Solonoid

Generator Stop Solonoid

13500 INR/Unit

Product Details:


Generator Stop Solonoid Price And Quantity

  • 13500 INR/Unit
  • 1 Unit

Generator Stop Solonoid Trade Information

  • Cash in Advance (CID)
  • 50 Unit Per Month
  • 7 Days
  • All India

Product Description

Generator Stop Solenoid is an electro-mechanical device that is used to control the fuel flow to the engine. It is typically installed on diesel or gas-powered generators or engines, and it works by shutting off the fuel supply to the engine when it receives a signal to do so. The solenoid is controlled by an electrical signal, usually from a switch or a controller that can be operated remotely. Once the signal is received, the solenoid moves a plunger or valve that closes off the fuel supply to the engine, effectively turning it off. The main purpose of the generator stop solenoid is to provide a quick and safe way to shut down the engine in the event of an emergency or a fault.

Country of OriginMade in India


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